Thursday, August 13, 2009

I’m pretty sure the librarian thinks I’m crazy

sneakpeak2We go to the library every Monday. It’s just two blocks from my mom’s house, so on our weekly visits, we take a little walk to go check out books. The last few weeks, though, the kids have been too busy playing to make the trip with me. I go to pick up the requested books, but then I start searching. I’ve been pouring over the children’s book section, going up and down the aisles, looking at every book, trying to find some inspiration. You see, I’m in the middle of a project… a project I’m super excited about…a project I’ll tell you about soon, but for now, it’s a secret. The thing is, when you’re sitting on the floor for an hour, scanning every children’s book in the library, and you have no kids with you, people start wondering what you’re up to…even give you strange looks. It doesn’t help too when the majority of the books you take home for yourself are recommended for 2 to 5 year olds. So yeah, I’m pretty sure the librarians have had a few conversations on their lunch break about the crazy lady in the kids section. But hopefully, it will all make sense pretty soon.


Ciao for now!

nessa dee


Ginger*:) said...

Good for you . I don't sit on the floor but I still get stared at when I sit at the tiny table in the teensy chair with a dozen or more books in front of me. All the best with your project. Can't wait to hear more!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for you! I love this sketches. They are so inspiring to me. You line work is really beautiful. I love to read children's books too. I have so many of my own. They are truly a treasure to me.

Momo said...

I can relate with that experience the last I was trying my hand at illustrating and needed inspiration from the books at the library. The sketches are cool. Looking forward to seeing more.

Kristi Valiant said...

Nessa, at least you have kids with you sometimes! I check out probably 20 picture books a month to study and lots of middle grade and YA audio books to listen to while I paint, and I'm always by myself when I make my library trips. I'm pregnant now though, so at least the baby's with me!